Is there a hope for ”small companies” in conditions of globalization?


  • Анђелко С. Лојпур Економски факултет Подгорица - Универзитет Црне Горе, Црна Гора
  • Сања Пековић Факултет за туризам и хотелијерство Котор, Црна Гора


competitiveness, knovledge economy, factors of competition; transution


In this paper, the authors start from the key argument that the level of national competitivness completely reflects the level of a certain country to create a growing prosperity for its citizens. The starting hypothesis considers that competitivness of one national economy depends on various factors. Moreover, based on the experience of developed countries that are leaders, concerning the level of competitiveness, we may conclude that competitiveness depends mainly on knowledge and innovativeness, i.e., non-price factors of competitiveness. In this sense, the problem concerning the growth and development of transitional countries in conditions of global crisis is observed taking into account the danger from the process of globalization which suggest that the recovery could be reached through ‘economy of knowledge`.


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Preliminary Annoucement

How to Cite

Is there a hope for ”small companies” in conditions of globalization?. (2012). Acta Economica, 10(16), 9-26.

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