
  • Perica Macura Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka


epistemology, limitation of the problem, profit, theoretical and practical marketing aspects.


Through genesis of marketing, which covers its pragmatic and scientific development, this paper work presents basic characteristics of position that sees marketing as pragmatic activity and position which sees marketing as a science (a scientific discipline). In order to define scientific potential of marketing, we used epistemological analyze of certain marketing conclusions and presumptions, which were, at the same time, an object of this paper work. A basic goal of this paper work is defining of development marketing potential as a science or a scientific discipline. From the epistemological analyze, which covers application of historical-critical method, analyze of a single marketing postulate, i.e. aim for gaining of profit, analyze of marketing problem’s dimension and look to the internal verification method, we noticed that marketing is more of pragmatic activity, rather than science or scientific discipline.


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