Leaden legs of recovery of Republic of Srpska economy
recovery, growth, development, investment, savings, gross domestic product, resourcesAbstract
This paper , on the base of historical facts, tries to warn the business decision makers on the need to examine the global limiting factors that significantly a?ect the recovery and development of the economy of any country, including Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina . Trying to point out that a new industrial philosophy has practically emerged , as well as the fact that the global financial and economic crisis has led into question the policy on the basis of neo-liberal economic doctrines, the author warns that in the entire Western Balkans tired economic system is present . This tired economic system has led to high unemployment and brought a large number of young people in a hopeless position , because they do not have jobs, and as a consequence there is no formation of a family which continues to negatively a?ect the demographic parameters ( population growth ) . To stop these negative tendencies or at least to slow them down, the path of recovery is in the development of the investment spending growth in the private and public sector, and the author recommends the global pattern of recovery and development.
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