process, distribution, quality tools, systems, variability, control chartAbstract
Instrumentalization of repeated observations of changes in the process and conclusions on the degree of consistency of variations, represents a very broad range of application of statistical tools in quality management system. One of the most frequently used tools of this type, known as statistical process control, has been developed in several variants, depending on the nature of the data, and this paper describes the concept of control charts. It is used to study changes in the process based on distribution of numerical or attribute data, which is mostly used for control of the processes and assessment of needs for their correction. It also finds its practical application for predicting the expected volume of output from the process, analysis of variation shape, evaluating the suitability of the project to improve the quality and the like, as it in this paper theoretically explained and practically demonstrated. Generally, the application of statistical quality tools, types of control charts, carried out according to standardized procedure starting with its selection, the determination of the time period, construction of the tool and data analysis, identification of the alarming signals and their causes, up to the detection of errors and their consequences. Often used a chart to show the law of frequency distribution is the histogram. By the application of this quality tool frequency distribution of outcomes measurement in the measuring area, shows the frequency of each individual value in a dataset. The work is adjusted to the requirements of statistical analysis so that it deals with a description of basic statistical tool in quality management ? control chart ? as the main topic targeting on detection of regularity of the sensitivity behavior of the observed features. So this section dealt with the key engineering statistical procedures that allow understanding application of the selected statistical tool for quality assurance and improvement, in function of vitality reanimation of management resources.
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