
  • Анђелко С. Лојпур Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Podgorica
  • Милан Лакићевић Assistant, Faculty of Economics, Podgorica


financial crisis; theoretical controversies; neoliberal capitalism; accession to EU.


The problem of financial crisis is in this paper first considered from the position of theoretical controversies. Thus already in the introductory part of the paper we expressed our personal view that the crisis is not accidental, or better to say that it rests on the views of a number of recognized theoreticians of economy, which served as a base on which the conceptual foundations of capitalism, and then also of its neoliberal concept were established. We also wanted to point to the complexity of the problem that business on the global scale faces today, and to justify the need for a radical turn in search for a new paradigm of functioning, whether of individual national economies or the world of business on the whole. In the end, we pointed to the potential danger that the financial crisis, which is gradually spreading towards the real sector of economy, will represent a special problem for small economies, where we in particular have in mind the countries in the negotiation phase of a possible accession to EU.


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Preliminary Annoucement

How to Cite

OVERHAUL OF NEOLIBERAL CAPITALISM IDEOLOGY - GIVE US BACK KEJNZA. (2021). Acta Economica, 7(10), 133–152. http://ae.ef.unibl.org/index.php/ae/article/view/231

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