A global aspects of the tourism on the non-developed, unsettled and neglected territories of the European Union, by the application of the integral rural development method


  • Горан Поповић доцент Економског факултета Универзитета у Бањој Луци


tourism, rural tourism, develop, EU, sustainibility, multifunctionality, economic


EU shows an interest for the tourism development, on the non- developed, unsettled, neglected and far off territories. The development of the rural tourism is realized according to the plan, through the integral rural development framework concept. The society aims of the rural concept are the economic and the social prosperity, the demographic stability and sustainibility of the development. The development policy is established at the multifunkcionality and the usefulness of the different resources, particulary the natural ones. The area, climate, water, wood, historic tradition etc. are the resources which with the optimal combination of labour, capital and the social coordination, can contribute to the more dinamic economic and social development. Apart from that, the rural tourism, as a part of the rural economy uses the contedtual advantages position „in and around agriculture’’. The measures which the EU has done so far, with the planned activities, point out to the clear determination to the continuous creation and implementation of the rural development policy and the rural tourism in the future.


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Scientific papers

How to Cite

A global aspects of the tourism on the non-developed, unsettled and neglected territories of the European Union, by the application of the integral rural development method. (2006). Acta Economica, 4(5), 153-170. http://ae.ef.unibl.org/index.php/ae/article/view/279

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