Ethics problems of advertising


  • Раденко Марић Association for Insurance and Reinsurance DDOR, Novi Sad


Advertising, Business ethics, Morality, Social resposibility.


New competition is not between companies’ products but between their added values in the form of advertising, promotional activities, services, advices, etc. Advertising is one of the most frequent ways of promotional activities with an aim to convey information, develop an ability and instigate activity in order to develop the product and improve services. From the moral point of view they assist both the buyer and seller to achieve their objectives, advertising could be justifed morally under the condition that all company information are true statements without any deliberate deception. Four crucial aspects of advertising should be investigated for their ethical and moral background. The frst aspect considers advertising as a system of manipulation, the second deals with deception, the third is about promotion and usage of those products that damage and harm our health, and the last one tackles initiating hidden social motives. Solving the above mentioned moral issues and creating ‘moral produst’, is the basic principle of corporative social responsibility and one of the most important, primary tasks of modern corporative business activity.


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