Starting Positions of Marketing Concept and Their Implications on the Scientific Development of Marketing


  • Перица Мацура ванредни професор Економског факултета Универзитета у Бањој Луци


economic knowledge, business concepts, marketing concept, marketing, psychological knowledge, „black box” model, new knowledge


Presentation of reasons for appearance and development of economy, characteristic economical problems and development of business concepts, one gets an insight into basic knowledge which is a base for development of marketing concept and further than marketing. This primarily indicates influence of economical, psychological and sociological knowledge. Since influence of the above mentioned knowledge on development of marketing in scientific and pragmatic angle is not doubtful, a need for studding of certain development consequences of usage of this knowledge in marketing occurs. Identification of eventual negative influences and their elimination enables forming of theoretical base for marketing knowledge that will effect development potential of marketing and point it to the way of logos and/or nomos.


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Scientific papers

How to Cite

Starting Positions of Marketing Concept and Their Implications on the Scientific Development of Marketing. (2007). Acta Economica, 5(6), 155-166.

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