Accounting Report Models of Human Capital Effects in Entrepreneur Organization


  • Никола Вукмировић Економског факултета Универзитета у Бањој Луци


accounting for entrepreneurs and managers, effects of human capital, entrepreneurial organizationa, ABC and BSC accounting methods, QFD method


Classic account system of double-entry book-keeping in modern terms shows a lot of fault. Because of that, in theory and practice, is making many attempts to eliminate or alleviate these imperfections. In these attempts it is using new methods which are not exclusively accounts, like: QFD -Quality Function Deploymnet; АBC–Activity Based Costing and BSC -Balanced Scorecard. Especially stay open problem of more adequate human capital expressing in financial statements.


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Scientific papers

How to Cite

Accounting Report Models of Human Capital Effects in Entrepreneur Organization. (2006). Acta Economica, 4(5), 87-114.

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