Management of investment projects in the Republic of Srpska
Project management is the process of creative optimization of available resources, including the preparation, evaluation, implementation and management of cases of investment. In the last period, it may be noted that an increasing number of enterprises in the Republic of Srpska enters the implementation of projects that do not provide the expected ( projected ) e?ects. By analyzing the results of the study led to the conclusion that most of the companies in the Republic of Srpska does not apply project management concepts, which negatively a?ects the efciency of project management and rational ( optimal ) allocation of resources in companies. The effects of investment in entrepreneurial projects in the Republic of Srpska modest, or 45 % of the projects that are being implemented are the failed investment where a company su?ers losses. The e?ects of investments in accordance with the planned only in 18 % of the projects, a greater than 5 % of the planned projects . Observed investment had both positive and negative e?ects in 10 % of projects.
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