integration, world gross product, mutual market, costs and profits of integrationAbstract
There are no doubts the integrations process covered practically all countries of the world. The integrations by their character present the institutional form of mutual economic, technological, legal, cultural and other connection of two or more countries on the certain wider and narrower area. Fast economictechnological development, by itself, requires larger economic space and larger and larger market, and which exceeds the national boarders and imposes different forms of connection and integration. We are witnesses to new economic alliances and separations. European Union presents the most developed form of the international economic-political integration in the world. European Union was the unique model for many economic integrations which were created later in the other parts of the world. On the other hand, the USA connects themselves rapidly in more directions: they form the free zone of the Northern America (NAFTA) and they join themselves in the Organization of the AsiaPacific Region (APEC) where the world economic powers China and Japan are as well.
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Интернет извори:
URL: http://www.eurunion. org
URL: http://www.efta. int
URL: http://www.cefta. org
URL: http://www.geohive. com
URL: http://www.caricom. org
URL: http://www.cia. gov
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