corporate bonds, corporate bond market, corporate bond marketinstitutional investors, issuers, investorsAbstract
From a small number of corporate bonds issued since the founding of the Banja Luka Stock Exchange to date, it is obvious that the domestic corporate bond market is in the initial stage of its development. The subject of this paper is to define the assumptions and limitations, i.e. possibilities of the development of the corporate bond market in the Republic of Srpska. The successful development of the bond market, in addition to the institutional and legal assumptions, is largely conditioned by the willingness of companies to emit bonds. On the other hand, it is the obligation and commitment of investors to invest in these securities.
The aim of the research is to examine the potential supply and (potential) demand in next three years. The research was conducted using a two-part sur-vey. In the first part, managers in institutional investors in the domestic market were interviewed: investment funds, insurance companies and banks, 42 of them. In the second part, we examined the most significant joint-stock companies on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange, those that were part of the BIRS index and those that paid dividend, 66 of them.
The results of the survey show the number of companies willing to finance their operations by issuing bonds and the number of investors willing to invest in these instruments. In addition, we will point to obstacles to the development and deepening of the market and the actual number of institutional investors willing to invest in corporate bonds.
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