Objectives and scope of ownership concentration in listed companies in Republic of Srpska


  • Душко Даничић "Aditon" Ltd. B.Luka
  • Данка Панић "Aditon" Ltd. B.Luka




Enlargement of ownership and takeover is usually associated with motifs such as: maximizing profit in the long term, new markets, gain control of management of the company and its long-term development, etc. The motive for the purchase of the majority share or concentration is not necessarily doing business, but tangible and intangible assets of the company, it’s name, or other valuable items of business or investment assets. From the presented data obtained during the research that was done, it could be concluded that the Republic of Srpska ranks among the countries in which the ownership of listed companies is concentrated. Motives that preceded the capital concentration are often associated with property companies, while business had a supporting role, which in many cases has led to the closure of books, business activities undertaken societies. Change in the overall business environment is the best way to not only capital but also the concentration of other investments are directed towards the real sector and business objectives that include development projects and investments for the future. Tis will reduce the motivation of the owners of capital to invest in short-term projects in order to purchase and quick sale of the company, it comes down to us on the sale of assets items. In this way the number of liquidation, that were triggered with the intent to sell the assets of companies, could be reduced.


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Закони и подзаконска акта:

Закон о преузимању акционарских друштава („Службени гласник Републике Српксе”, бр. 65/08 и 92/09)

Закон о приватизацији државног капитала у предузећима („Службени гласник РС”, бр. 24/9862/02, 38/03 , 65/03 и 109/05)) – ван снаге

Закон о приватизацији државног капитала у предузећима („Службени гласник РС”, бр.51/06, 1/07, 53/07, 41/08)

Закон о привредним друштвима („Службени гласник Републике Српске”, бр. 127/08 58/09 и 100/10)

Закон о тржишту хартија од вриједности („Службени гласник Републике Српске”, бр. 92/06, 34/09 и 30/12)

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How to Cite

Objectives and scope of ownership concentration in listed companies in Republic of Srpska. (2013). Acta Economica, 11(18), 289-316. https://doi.org/10.7251/ACE1318289D

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